09 May 2010

a new kind of homesick

Why is it that every time I realize I've been taking something for granted, it never ever sticks? I guess for me it's always moving that calls my attention to this. Living in Rome, I never actually wanted to leave but it wasn't until maybe two weeks before my flight home that I really came to realize how much the city had changed me. And Cádiz was the same story. The entire last month my highest priority was getting to the beach before the sun began it's descent. Every single second became excruciatingly short. Sometimes I can't tell if living in the now actually makes time fly by faster...

Now I'm preparing to leave Seattle. Everything I see is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. The adolescents flocking to the parking lot across from my apartment after it's emptied for the night. The people leaning against the bus stop post gazing at the sky... I cannot believe that after four years "living" in this incredible city, I've never known how striking the skies are here. This dorm-like studio of mine has a view that I will never forget. Even the rainiest days have the most beautiful sunsets. How is this possible? And how can I only now be realizing it's been my reality for so long?